Sunday, January 3, 2010

r e c < v ^ > i n g

r e c < v ^ > i n g

forever difficult
guilt and emptiness conquered by wonders
mind body and temptation struggling for equilibrium
pain smoothly waves away with the warm water jet streams
aided by toasts, cheers, and a new beginning
music feeds emotion
while the best instruments are the foot movements across the wooden floors
a surplus of laughs
and even some struggle
but always a helping hand to guide through that journey
and followers to make sure the angel is even ok
new to old the ageless entity unveils in all
this medicine cured my Fall
the emptiness
the holes
gently is filled with new colors
new wonders
even though it is so obvious
the weight of the clocks
on our wrists walls and pockets
we push
battling against those 12 numbered faces
for better and not worse
for the worst of me is behind
the worst of you is as well
and until these roots twist again
our trunk thickens
our branches stretch
and our leaves capture the bright light of tomorrow
stronger than ever before

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