Tuesday, March 23, 2010


a little changeup from recording live off a video camera
this is my first track from Reason
i had way too much fun with this
and still feel i need to tweak and adjust some things
but just had to put it out and move on

art piece "techno-bot" by the talented Jeff Tang (12fv.com)

download link:

...more projects to come!..

ps. if your a music maker send your ish this way! lets make some synergenius!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


remember, train quick

on rusty lanes stick to planned games

sorry no time rem-


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


its a backwards Title:
not much going on besides the usual
suspects keep me in line
while i untangle mine and push it in what direction again
hoping it will translate to dot form

the norm is appealing indeed
but while the bleeders bleed away
vibrants co.ord s
and arpeggiating swans are on display

must i always fly to release these sounds
or maybe it flows completely when im closest to ground
on earths soil, the formulated growths complete me
to see the sky too proximal for the soon
we push distal past clouds if footprints are still on the moon

... < suffer & give > ...