Thursday, October 29, 2009

simply amazing.

pages of your book
ripped away the leafs of fall
for a master peace

(from description)
Recently, in a televised modern dance competition in
China - a very unique couple won one of the top prizes and received
the longest standing ovation. She was a dancer, who had trained since she was a
child. Tragically, she lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell
into a state of depression; so she decided to coach a children's
dancing group. From that point on, she realized she
could not forget dancing. She still loved to dance and wanted to
dance again. She tried to do some of her former routines but
without her arm she had difficulty maintaining balance. She
practiced strenuously and developed a dance routine - always dancing alone in
her studio. He was not a dancer. He lost a leg in an accident and
he had fallen into a deep state of depression. They met - and her
goal mmediately became to help him become positive about
life again.
She taught him to dance and in her studio they danced
together and developed a routine as their lives and friendship
became closer. Their life together, behind the closed doors of the
dance studio - wasone creativity, challenge, determination, practice,
and sometimes failure. Their focus was on doing what others said
would be impossible. Several times it became so difficult and
frustrating for them that they gave up, broke up.
But life alone, without each other, brought them back together again and they became even more determined to perfect a dance routine to a point where they might try to dance outside the
studio to see what friends and family thought about what they were doing all that time inside the studio.
Their friends and family were so supportive they encouraged the couple to enter a dance competition, which they finally agreed to do. Only later did they realize the competition was to
be televised locally. We will now see the first - and to date only
televised performance of their dance.......

1 comment:

pdhl said...

begs to answer the question:

what CAN'T we do?

thank you for that post. not only did that one send chills down my spine, it showed a glimpse of what humanity has to offer.

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure." J.H.
